찬양과 경배 연주 메들리(찬송가 51곡:1시간)
연주 찬송 곡명 순서(영어)
1. Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (Robert Robinson, - 1875 -)
2. Crown Him With Many Crowns (Matthwe Bridges, - 1911 -)
3. Face To Face With Christ My Savior (Carrie E. Breck, - 1904 -
4. All To Christ I Owe (Elvina M. Hall, - 1875 -)
5. on Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand (Samuel Stennett, - 1911 -)
6. Whispering Hope (Popular Song, - 1868 -)
7. Ivory Palaces (Henry Barraclough, - 1908 -)
8. Redeemed How I Love To Proclaim It (Fanny Crosby, - 1890)
9. Nearer Still Nearer (Lelia Morris, - 1900)
10. When They Ring Those Golden Bells (Daniel de Marbelle, - 1921 -)
11. Amazing Grace (John Newton, - 1876 -)
12. His Eye Is on The Sparrow (Civilla D. Martin, - 1908 -)
13. The Old Rugged Cross (George Bennard, - 1915 -)
14. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Isaac Watts, - 1881 -)
15. All The Way My Savior Leads Me (Fanny Crosby, - 1875 -)
16. Blessed Assurance (Fanny Crosby, - 1890 -)
17. He Keeps Me Singing (Luther Burgess Bridgers, - 1922 -)
18. It Is Well With My Soul (Horatio Gates Spafford, - 1876 -)
19. In The Garden (Charles Austin Miles, - 1919 -)
20. The Church's one Foundation (Samuel J. Stone, - 1911 -)
21. Praise Him Praise Him Jesus Our Blessed Redeemer (Fanny J. Crosby, - 1911 -)
22. Sweet By and By (Sanford F. Bennett, - 1876 -)
23. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder (James M. Black, - 1894 -)
24. Near The Cross Jesus Keep Me (Frances Jane Crosby, - 1875 -)
25. Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us (Dorothy A. Thrupp, - 1875 -)
26. To God Be The Glory Great Things He Hath Done (Fanny Crosby, - 1922 -)
27. My Faith Looks Up To Thee (Ray Palmer, - 1875 -)
28. What A Friend We Have In Jesus (Joseph Scriven, - 1875 -)
29. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (Elizabeth C. Clephane, - 1875 -)
30. A Child Of The King (Harriet Eugenia Peck Buell, - 1891 -)
31. Take My Life And Let It Be (Frances Ridley Havergal, - 1890 -)
32. Fairest Lord Jesus (Münster Gesangbuch, - 1911 -)
33. He Is So Precious To Me (Charles H. Gabriel, - 1907 -)
34. Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Henry J. van Dyke, - 1915 -)
35. only Trust Him (J. H. Stockton, - 1875 -)
36. Holy Holy Holy (Reginald Heber, - 1890 -)
37. Abide With Me (William Monk, - 1890 -)
38. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Martin Luther, - 1894 -)
39. A Shelter In The Time Of Storm (Vernon J. Charlesworth, - 1894 -)
40. Remember Me (Isaac Watts, - 1875 -)
41. There Is Power In The Blood (Lewis E. Jones, - 1904 -)
42. All For Jesus (Mary D. James, - 1890 -)
43. All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name (Edward Perronet, - 1875 -)
44. I Would Be Like Jesus (James Rowe, - 1908 -)
45. At Calvary (William R. Newell, - 1908 -)
46. Break Thou The Bread Of Life (Mary Ann Lathbury, - 1908 -)
47. Have You Longed For Sweet Peace (Elisha A. Hoffman, - 1907 -)
48. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (Charles Wesley, - 1911 -)
49. The Cleansing Wave (Phoebe Palmer, - 1890 -)
50. Jesus Is All The World To Me (William L. Thompson, - 1911 -)
51. Leaning on The Everlasting Arms (Elisha A. Hoffman, - 1894 -)
All 51 Titles Listed in - Public Domain Works Database (All 51 Songs, original publishing dates of 1922 or earlier)