음악 듣기는 스킨 중앙의 삼각형 아이콘을 클릭!(로딩 시간이 걸림)
연주 목록
1. Relaxing Piano Music
2. Beautiful Savior
3. Alas, and did my Savior Bleed
4. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
5. Holy, Holy, Holy
6. Canon In D (Pachelbel)
7. God Leads Us Along
8. There Is A Fountain
9. Arioso (Bach)
10. Blessed Assurance
11. All Creatures of Our God and King
12. All Hail the Power of Jesus
13. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
14. Amazing Grace
15. Rock of Ages
16. Christ the Lord is Risen
17. Abide With Me
18. What Child Is This?
'찬양(Gospel)' 카테고리의 다른 글
나는 가리라 - 복음성가 모음 3집1 (임정선) (0) | 2015.09.20 |
찬송가 피아노 연주 메들리 18곡 (0) | 2015.09.19 |
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee 外 17곡 (0) | 2015.09.19 |
What A Friend We Have In Jesus 外 5곡 (0) | 2015.09.19 |
Sweet By and By 外 5곡 (0) | 2015.09.19 |